Nov 29, 2017
On your marks...get set...BAKE! The boys are joined by CJ's brother Eric to discuss one of his favorite TV shows: The Great British Baking Show! Recording from on the road, they discuss their Thanksgivings, the meaning of the "holiday season", and how polite the British are.
TV Show discussed: The Great British Baking...
Nov 22, 2017
Skate better! This week, the boys are joined by their good friend Ryan Higgins to discuss the Disney Channel original movie Brink! While on this Jack-O-Blast from the past, they reminisce on their own agro inline skating adventures, late 90's lingo, and how to properly fake being sick.
Movie discussed: Brink!...
Nov 15, 2017
Prepare to learn sorrow and regret in the form of a supposed kids movie! Elizabeth Perkins joins the boys to discuss a movie that has haunted her since her childhood...The Last Unicorn! They try to figure out any morals this children's cartoon movie tried to teach, and band together to try and stay positive.
Nov 8, 2017
HEY BU-DDY, you ready to get totally edged? The boys sit down this week to watch Bio-Dome with their buddy Billy Baronti. They discuss what makes this movie enjoyable, killing off cereal mascots, and Ken cusses out one of the listeners.
Movie discussed: Bio-Dome (1996)
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Nov 1, 2017
The boys' appraisal of this show was not good! Frankie joins the podcast to discuss Antiques Roadshow! They find out that the attendees of the roadshow are very unique individuals...and discover their new favorite catch-phrase.
Show discussed: Antiques Roadshow (S20E28 - Junk in the Trunk 6)
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