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Jan 29, 2020

Ken and CJ kick it solo this week and talk about the Oscar nominated Joker! They discuss movies they've seen recently, comics, and white male rage.

Movie discussed: Joker (2019)

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Jan 22, 2020

Comedian Olivia Coady returns to talk about the animated musical Anastasia! She and the boys discuss their vast differences in opinion about the movie.

Movie discussed: Anastasia (1997)

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Jan 15, 2020

Cameron Downing returns to talk about Booksmart! He and the boys discuss Survivor, The Circle, and an Overtalking FIRST!

Movie discussed: Booksmart (2019)

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Jan 8, 2020

Jim Plachy hosts an in-depth interview with the hosts of the Overtalking Podcast.

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Jan 1, 2020

Ken and CJ look back on 2019! They discuss the top 10 movies and TV shows, and talk about their New Year's resolutions.

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