Jul 29, 2020
Our very own theme song composer Justin Peters returns to the show to talk about, wait, is this...oh hell yeah it's another Jack Black feature, Heat Vision and Jack! We talk about Air Bud, a new voicemail, and Justin's reputation.
TV show discussed: Heat Vision and Jack
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Jul 22, 2020
Oh would you look at that, it's just the boys this time. CJ's on vacation doing vacation things like reading, trying to remember Tom Selleck, and celebrating Bean Hole Day (which is a real thing I promise).
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Jul 15, 2020
First time guest Nick joins the boys to talk about High Fidelity! They discuss their first Jack Black movies, Jack Grey, and their podcast: Cues from Cusack.
Movie discussed: High Fidelity (2000)
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Jul 8, 2020
First time guest Shelbi Weaver joins the show to talk about her favorite movie ever, School of Rock. We also chat about Jack Black's other movie endeavors, chaos, and CJ's new producer credits.
Movie discussed: School of Rock (2003)
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Jul 1, 2020
Riley returns to talk about the great show Avatar: The Last Airbender! He and the boys discuss chocolate, the awful live-action movie, and which element they each would prefer to bend.
TV show discussed: S02E09 - Bitter Work
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