Apr 27, 2022
Fan favorite Olivia Coady returns to the show to talk about the movie Juice! Her and the boys talk about YouTube stars, Tupac’s acting career, and the Mixmaster Massacre.
Movie discussed: Juice (1992)
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Apr 20, 2022
First time guest Emmett O’Reilly from Pkew Pkew Pkew joins the show to discuss Final Destination! They also talk about how Emmett and CJ first met, the Chucky franchise, and how to cheat Death.
Movie discussed: Final Destination (2000)
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Apr 13, 2022
To celebrate 250 episodes, Ken & CJ are taking calls as they open up the Overtalking Hotline to YOU the listener!
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Apr 6, 2022
Karissa returns to the show to discuss Come to Daddy! Her and the boys gush over Elijah Wood, the new Weird Al movie, and exposed brains.
Movie discussed: Come To Daddy (2019)
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